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More about us


         We take respect extremely seriously here at Jordan Valley. If you want to argue with anyone or discuss certain topics. We have a chat dedicated to that in our discord.  Absolutely nobody will be judged for their views or beliefs outside of this channel. Even though the rules are more laid back in this chat. You will be removed from the group, unless all parties are okay with what is being said. Absolutely nobody will trash or hate on other members. This standard is held up to everyone within the group including staff.


      Unlike before we closed our doors, convoy's will only be held if a good majority of the group is willing to show up. We have found that if people are forced to go to something even if they are excited for it at first. Its hard for them to find enjoyment after a short while. Because of this a post will be made, asking who all would be up for a convoy and it will only be made an event if enough people show up. Although for those who wanted to do it even if its not made into an event will get to enjoy a convoy. Along with seeing who all would be willing to go we will also be seeing what everyone wants to haul. You will be able to haul what you want within reason. Every other week you will have the option to take a heavy haul. Just so those that don't have time don't have to set aside a few hours for a convoy. Occasionally whoever sets up the convoy can set a theme ex: log trailers, or heavy haul.

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